We have been watching this camera for several years with Karri. The eagles now have three eggs this season. We are hoping they will have hatchlings after two years without viable eggs.
Don’t follow the crowd!
Silent on Social Media Once Again

After careful thought and consideration, I have deactivated my social media accounts yet again on the major platforms. It wasn’t anything the people did on them as much as my way to protest the ownership partying with someone who pardoned the attackers of the US Capitol. I may be reached by phone call, text or email if you would like to know how we are doing.
This also means I will most likely be more active on this blog for the foreseeable future.
2024 Year in Review

It’s that time again for another quick year in review, 2024 Edition!
January brought in swimming lessons for Karri and she won Student of the Month at Bonneville Elementary School. They had a small ceremony for the students who received the honor. Karri was so excited to have us there.
In February, Karri and her little sister had a sleepover to spend time with each other. We try to get the girls together each weekend and occasionally do the sleepovers as a special treat. We were then surprised by a visit from the sisters’ mom Sabrina, who was in town for the weekend. Karri enjoyed seeing her mom. Doug and Renee took an anniversary trip to Twin Falls, Idaho. It was cold and windy, but it was a good trip. We ended the month with a TobyMac concert in Salt Lake City on Doug’s birthday.
March came in quietly with more swimming lessons for Karri and Jesse starting a new job at a FX company in the mall. We managed to sneak in a viewing of the Kung Fu Panda 4 movie and ended the month by celebrating Karri’s sister’s 5th birthday and Easter.
April came rushing in with a Spring break trip to Oregon to see Chris and Paloma. There were more swimming lessons and a birthday party for one of Karri’s classmates. We ended April wishing both Paloma and Greg a happy birthday.
Things picked up in May. Swimming lessons for Karri again and then we began preparing for the Bonneville Elementary talent show. Karri did a short tutorial on making a giant origami heart ❤️. She did fantastic! We celebrated Jesse’s 31st birthday and Karri finished 2nd grade. The end of the month also marked the start of Doug’s summer break.
June kept things rolling with Summer school starting and ending for Doug. Karri had art in the park, drama and art camp at the Treehouse Museum, ice skating with her sister, and the Summer Reading program at the library. She also had back to back birthday parties for her classmates. Jesse was able to create and conduct several workshops for the FX company he worked with including a foam top hat, gauntlet and steampunk mechanical armpiece.
Things just kept rolling on into July. We enjoyed our Saturday trips to the Farmers Market. Karri enjoyed VBS at the Genesis Project and a Lego camp at our local Bricks and Mini Figs store, along with another classmate’s birthday. Then it was time for our yearly trip to San Diego for Comic-Con. After a quick stop to visit the Allen’s in Las Vegas, we headed to California. We arranged a surprise for Karri and her sister by meeting up with her sister’s family for a day trip to Legoland. Both girls were so excited to spend the day together. Once again it was another fun but exhausting time at Comic-Con, but we were happy to head home where Karri ended the month with a cooking camp hosted by the local Community Action.
August ushered in the start of a new school year for Karri and Doug. Karri began 3rd trade at a new school and Renee was fortunate enough to get a job as a teacher’s assistant at the same school. Jesse had several LARP games he attended and continued his job and workshops. We ended August with wishing Jim a happy birthday and a night out at an Ogden Raptors baseball game.
Phew now we’re heading into September. It started with Doug’s 40th High School reunion in Barstow, CA. The last Farmer’s Market of the season was followed by the Harvest Moon Market, and then FanX. We also were able to enjoy a night at Ringling Bros. Circus thanks to VetTix. Fall Market started and Karri enjoyed a nice day at Roy Christian Church’s Fall Festival thanks to Miss Amy!
All the fun then begins in October. We watched Karri’s sister in the USU Homecoming parade in Logan, enjoyed Fall Break for Doug, Renee and Karri, and Doug and Renee enjoyed a night out at AEW Wrestling in SLC. Karri and her sister had another sleepover and enjoyed several opportunities to go out trick or treating. Renee also had several vein surgeries that she recovered from quickly.
November was relatively calm. We enjoyed church and a potluck with Karri’s sister’s family in Logan. Renee, Doug and Karri had Thanksgiving break. Jesse started a new job at a local credit union. It suits him. Happy Thanksgiving! Finally, we enjoyed a very cold night watching the Ogden Christmas parade with Karri’s sister and her family.
Here we are at December. It was Karri’s 9th birthday and we celebrated with a Pokemon birthday party. She really liked it! We went out to explore the Ogden Christmas Village which is all lit up each night in December. Doug, Renee and Karri had Christmas Break and wished Aunt Carla a very happy birthday. Merry Christmas!
We’re ending the year with a very merry sleepover with the two sisters and a few closing thoughts. As 2024 comes to an end, we want to take this moment to wish you all the very best year to come. Remember to take time to enjoy your family and hug the ones who are closest to you. Happiest New Year to you!!
Merry Christmas from the Zeliffs.
Election 2024

As yet another Presidential election season nears its November climax, I see a nation under distress. One party presents a candidate that serves in the current administration and the other is supporting a return to power of someone who still refuses to admit their loss in the previous election.
I am an unaffiliated voter, having left the Republican party that no longer resembles the party of my father and grandfather. It has chosen to select someone who did not honor their oath of office. Instead, they stirred up an attack on the capitol to try and prevent certification of the electoral college vote that was just a formality of the election process. They left office and took government property in the form of official documents they were supposed to hand over upon their departure from office.
I have seen individuals who share my faith in Christ pledge their devotion to someone who is not any example of righteousness. He regularly uses vulgarity and sings the praises of other nations who consistently repress followers of Christ. He used a Bible made in China to bilk people out of income.
While I am certainly no fan of the Democratic Party and their platform, I am also unwilling to support the Republican party and their candidate. I live in a state that is so solidly behind a candidate that my vote matters little anyway. I will place my trust in the Author and Finisher of my faith, Jesus Christ. America is in a pivotal position this election and distress may be ahead of us no matter its outcome.
Psalms 43:5 NIV
Why, my soul, are you downcast? Why so disturbed within me? Put your hope in God, for I will yet praise him, my Savior and my God.
Declining over time

I had something happen last week that brought to the forefront of my mind that I am on the downward slope of life. We notice changes physically as our original hair coloring is replaced with gray. Our once tightly wrapped outer layer becomes wrinkled and ill-fitting. Our synapses may misfire as we grab the wrong word from a storage bin in our mind or we misplace it altogether.
What brought about this reflection on my decline occurred while walking my granddaughter to school. I am very fortunate that I have the opportunity to do so each school day as she attends an elementary school across the street from the junior high where I work. As we walked along, she saw one of her classmates and broke away from me to talk with her friend. They continued talking all the way to school as I walked by myself. I realized this foreshadowed what lie ahead in our relationship. My influence and role in her life would diminish as time passes.
It reminded me of how John the Baptist spoke of Jesus. I am declining too.
John 3:30 NKJV
He must increase, but I must decrease.
2023 – Back to Utah

I did not anticipate 2023 passing with no posts until the year end wrap up. I guess we got busy and I didn’t have any rants or commentaries boiling up that had to be unburdened from my soul. When last year ended, we had begun the process of grieving Renee’s mom and dealing with all that her passing brought about in our lives. Let me recap what transpired over the year before we end another chapter in the Zeliff family saga.
We began the year by attending the Cotton Bowl in Dallas on January 2nd with close friends who are like family, Michelle and Rita. Despite the USC Trojans defense allowing Tulane to pull out a come from behind victory, we had a great time. Later in the month, Jesse and the Precious would move out of Scott’s house and into mom’s place so we could put it on the market. This set in motion our plans to return to Ogden, Utah so Karri could grow up near her sister Rachel in Logan, Utah.
In February, I resigned from my IT position at Central Texas College so I could be available to help the family with sale preparations and consolidation of three households (Scott’s, Mom’s and ours). For our anniversary, Renee and I visited the Yankus family and enjoyed catching up with Joni and Jarid for the first time since their wedding day years earlier. The following day, we made a return visit to the church where we had served as youth pastors thirty years prior.
In March, we shifted into sales mode with the first of several estate/garage sales. We also took several trips within Texas and one back to Utah. We took a trip to Dinosaur Valley State Park in Glen Rose and a couple days later rode the Austin Steam Train from Austin to Bertram, Texas. We closed out the month with a birthday celebration in Utah with little sister Rachel. We went from 80 degree weather to several inches of snow and then back to the heat for more packing and sales.
As we continued selling things, we made the decision to donate one retro robot/video based game to the National Videogame Museum in Frisco, Texas. We met up again with Michelle for BBQ after spending some time in the museum. We ended April by visiting, along with Renee’s sister Carla, the niche where mom and Scott’s ashes now reside.
In May, we packed up and cleared out of the house that Renee was raised in. Jesse celebrated his birthday and we snuck away to Sea World in San Antonio to catch our breath before the final days in Texas. We moved into a local hotel while Karri completed first grade and then we began our road trip back to Ogden. We enjoyed a lunch break with my friend and brother Jim in Colorado Springs midway through the journey. Upon arrival in Ogden, we settled into a long term stay hotel while we looked for permanent residence.
We FINALLY obtained keys to something other than a hotel to kick off June and I continued to await my start date with an IRS IT contractor. Karri was delighted to once again take swimming lessons at the pool where she had previously taken them. Because our domicile was a brand new build, we had to wait until the end of June before reestablishing our Utah residency due to the postal service and landlord delay in giving us a mailing address. Pizza and package deliveries were quite a challenge too as Google maps didn’t show our address as being real.
We surprised Karri with a trip to Disneyland/California Adventure in July prior to us attending San Diego Comic-Con again. She had no idea where we were going until she read the “Welcome to Disneyland” signs. She met several of the Disney Princesses to include Cinderella, Ariel, Jasmine and Anna. She also enjoyed almost all of the rides with the exception of Space Mountain which she was not happy her dad taken her on. Following two busy days at Disney, we stopped in Laguna Beach to dip our toes in the Pacific before checking into our hotel in San Diego. Four days of Comic-Con show floor visits and cosplay were followed by a return flight to Utah.
As August began, I was still waiting for the IRS IT job when the Director of Technology for Ogden School District reached out about an opening at one of their junior high schools. I interviewed and was hired which allows me to work directly across the street from the elementary school the Precious attends. We ride to school together and I walk her to school each morning.
We saw Michelle again in September when she was in Salt Lake City on a work trip. Prior to her work meetings, we enjoyed several days with her. At the end of the month, Renee flew to Texas to attend a women’s conference with Michelle. Upon Renee’s return, I was off to Colorado Springs mid-October to do some fly fishing with Jim. I had inherited a tin of hand tied flies from my father in 2009 that I had been yearning to get wet. While there, I also visited with his daughter Christina’s family included taking his grandsons with us on one day of fishing.
As November began, we secured tickets to return to San Diego Comic-Con once again. Our Thanksgiving was spent with just the four of us and missing Renee’s mom who had departed one year ago. With December arriving, we are preparing to celebrate the 8th birthday of our granddaughter and the Christmas holidays. We appreciate you taking time to read this post and pray your year has been full of blessings and triumphs. We hope that next year brings us all more of the same.
Closing the book on 2022

A very eventful 2022 has ended and it’s time to recount and reflect on what transpired as 2023 begins.
January began like every new year with hopes of brighter days ahead and better living. At the end of January, we were heartbroken over the sudden death of Renee’s younger brother Scott. Before we could leave for Texas to be with her mom and help clear out his house, Renee had outpatient surgery. Following that surgery and a few days of recovery, we were off to TX to be with her mom and pack Scott’s house into a storage unit for safekeeping.
While in TX, Renee was informed that her surgery revealed cancer and the need for another surgery. In March, she underwent another more invasive surgery to include the removal of lymph nodes. The doctor assured us that all of the cancer had been removed as we awaited the results from biopsy of her lymph nodes. We were relieved to find out they were cancer free and Renee need only take it easy for six weeks while she recovered.
As a result of her brother’s passing, we began making plans to relocate to Texas to assist her mother who was battling cancer. In April, we made a day trip to the Golden Spike National Monument in Promontory, Utah where Karri earned another Junior Ranger badge. In May, we began packing and as the month ended, we celebrated Karri’s kindergarten graduation.
June brought the delivery of the POD, my last day of work, and final packing. On the 8th, Jesse and Karri flew ahead of us to Texas. We took a couple days to drive down making an overnight stop in Colorado Springs to see Jim and his pups. On the 10th, we arrived in Copperas Cove, TX and Renee took over as primary caregiver for her mom.
June through September was filled with countless doctor appointments, hospital stays, and treatments. As September ended, we took mom to MD Anderson in Houston to get their input and direction on mom’s cancer. They confirmed that treatment was no longer an option and hospice was what lay ahead on this difficult journey we had undertaken with her.
At the end of October, we invited Scott and mom’s friends to celebrate their lives and see mom before her condition deteriorated. We hadn’t had a chance to mourn him and mom was still alert enough to speak with all who came. As November arrived, mom grew weaker and she did her best to make it to Thanksgiving, passing on to the next life on the Wednesday before it.
Our hearts were heavy at her departure, but relieved her pain had come to an end. In December, Karri turned 7 and we held a celebration of life for Scott and Mom Rezny a few days later. They were both placed in a companion urn which would be placed in a glass front niche at month’s end just a few minutes from Renee’s sister Carla.
Christmas brought much joy as our 7 year old girl lit up the houses with excitement. She was delighted with her many gifts and we enjoyed her enthusiasm. Christmas is truly best seen through the eyes of a child.
2022 was filled with ups and downs, joys and heartaches. We hope the coming year is filled with more of former and less of the latter for everyone.